Osho Introduction
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Osho Introduction



Osho's thought was rooted in Hindu advaita, which considers all reality as being of a single divine essence. In this mystical ontology, the human experiences of separateness, duality and temporality are understood to be illusions produced by the mind. The dualistic and transient phenomena of the world are the dance, the external play, of cosmic consciousness. In this dance, every thing, every happening is sacred, has absolute worth, and is an end in itself.


Ego: man as a machine


Osho's view of man as a machine, condemned to the helpless acting out of unconscious, neurotic patterns, reflects the thought of Gurdjieff and Freud. His vision of the "new man" who transcends the constraints of convention is reminiscent of Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil. His views on sexual liberation bear comparison to the thought of D. H. Lawrence. And while his contemporary Krishnamurti did not approve of Osho, there are clear similarities between their respective teachings.


Osho taught that every human being is a potential Buddha, with the capacity for enlightenment. According to him, everyone capable of experiencing unconditional love and of responding rather than reacting to life: "You are truth. You are love. You are bliss. You are freedom." He suggested that it is possible to experience innate divinity and to be conscious of "who we really are", even though our egos usually prevent us from enjoying this experience: "When the ego is gone, the whole individuality arises in its crystal purity." The ego, in Osho's view, represents the social conditioning and constraints a person has accumulated since birth, creating false needs that are in conflict with the real self. "The whole of religion is nothing but that: dropping the ego, disappearing as your own master ... Then life becomes such a grace; because all tension arises out of ego ... all anxiety, anguish, despair, frustration. All illness of the mind is because we have taken this wrong attitude ... Dissolve yourself as a separate entity. Become part of the cosmic whole." The problem, he said, is how to bypass the ego so that our innate being can flower; how to move from the periphery to the centre.




According to Osho, meditation is not just a practice, but a state of awareness that can be maintained in every moment. It is this total awareness that awakens the individual from sleep, and from mechanical responses to stimuli, conditioned by beliefs and expectations


Osho's presence as a master


Another key ingredient of his teaching is his own presence as a master. The initiation he offered his followers was another such device: "... if your being can communicate with me, it becomes a communion. ... It is the highest form of communication possible: a transmission without words. Our beings merge. This is possible only if you become a disciple”.




Renunciation and the "New Man"


Osho hoped to create "a new man" combining the spirituality of Gautama Buddha with the zest for life embodied by Zorba the Greek in the novel by Nikos Kazantzakis: "He should be as accurate and objective as a scientist ... as sensitive, as full of heart, as a poet ... [and as] rooted deep down in his being as the mystic." This new man, "Zorba the Buddha", should reject neither science nor spirituality, but embrace them both. He should be "all for matter, and all for spirit


Osho's "Ten Commandments"


In his early days as Acharya Rajneesh, a correspondent once asked Osho for his "Ten Commandments". In his letter of reply, Osho noted that it was a difficult matter, because he was against any kind of commandment, but "just for fun" agreed to set out the following:


  1. Never obey anyone's command unless it is coming from within you also.

  2. There is no God other than life itself.

  3. Truth is within you, do not search for it elsewhere.

  4. Love is prayer.

  5. To become a nothingness is the door to truth. Nothingness itself is the means, the goal and attainment.

  6. Life is now and here.

  7. Live wakefully.

  8. Do not swim – float.

  9. Die each moment so that you can be new each moment.

  10. Do not search. That which is, is. Stop and see. ”




"If you really want to know who I am, you have to be as absolutely empty as I am. Then two mirrors will be facing each other, and only emptiness will be mirrored. Infinite emptiness will be mirrored: two mirrors facing each other. But if you have some idea, then you will see your own idea in me." – Osho


Appraisal as a thinker and speaker


Khushwant Singh, eminent author, historian and former editor of the Times of India, has described him as "the most original thinker that India has produced: the most erudite, the most clearheaded and the most innovative". In his view, Osho was a "free-thinking agnostic" who had the ability to explain the most abstract concepts in simple language, illustrated with witty anecdotes, who mocked gods, prophets, scriptures and religious practices and gave a totally new dimension to religion.




A number of commentators have remarked upon Osho's charisma. Comparing Osho with Gurdjieff, Anthony Storr wrote that Osho was "personally extremely impressive", noting that "many of those who visited him for the first time felt that their most intimate feelings were instantly understood, that they were accepted and unequivocally welcomed rather than judged". [Osho] seemed to radiate energy and to awaken hidden possibilities in those who came into contact with him


Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osho

This is a long article about Osho and I made a selection in tune with the rest of this website.


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