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Osho Neo-Zen Tarot 10 Rainbows: We are the World

Humanity is depicted here as a rainbow of beings, dancing around the mandala of the earth with their hands joined together in joy and gratitude for the gift of life. This card represents a time of communication, of sharing the riches that each of us brings to the whole.  When we recognize the common source of our humanity, the common origins of our dreams and longings, our hopes and fears, we are able to see that we are all joined together in the great miracle of existence. When we can combine our tremendous inner wealth to create a treasure of love and wisdom that is available to all, we are linked together in the exquisite pattern of eternal creation.


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Osho World: Vision of an Enlightened Master [Meditation Discourses and books]


Sannyasworld.com :: the global sannyas portal


Osho meditations, sannyas sharing

Draw an Experimental Tarot card: Try your Experimental Tarot card


Osho Nisarga - A Meditation Center in the Himalayas


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