Sacred Sites
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Spiritual journeys to Sacred Sites

and the discovery of great truths.


I define sacred site in a broad sense. Places were I got an awe and wonder experience.


Energy of Sacred Sites


From ancient times people have felt that certain places have a special energy. This has been experienced in different ways like sacred, magical, mysterious, healing etc. People have built their temples, sacred monuments, churches etc on these locations.

Every spot has a certain vibration or resonance. Human beings have also a certain vibration, as explained in the law of attraction. Therefore you will attract persons and events in your life, corresponding with your vibrational level (frequency).

If you are sensitive to the energy around you, certain sacred places will call you. I have noticed this phenomenon so many times in my life. I go on a journey and find my self in no time at a sacred place, without even have planned it.

These places can be very important for your spiritual growth. They can also have a profound healing effect (the fountain of the eternal youth). In legends this is mythical Shangri La, but you can find your own Shangri La also.


Experiencing the energy of these sacred sites.


Not everyone can travel to these sacred sites. Experiments have shown that if you look at a picture (or some pictures) of a certain sacred place, while repeating the name of this sacred place spiritual and healing energy can be transferred to you. This is one of the reasons of this website.


Looking at these pictures can also inspire you to actually travel to that special place you feel attracted to. Many people have been transformed or inspired by such a visit.

I like to share some of these sacred places with you. I hope this will inspire you to experience this mysterious energy yourself. If you visit a certain sacred site you must really take the time to be there. Try to find a time when there are no or only a few tourists.


See an overview of my favorite Sacred Sites


Other interesting sacred sites

Ireland: Poulnabrone tomb

A 6000 years old passage way into the afterlife



Set on an expansive limestone landscape in the midst of the Burren, Poulnabrone is an impressive, well preserved and much visited megalithic tomb, thought to be nearly 6,000 years old.  Wedge-like in design and aligned with the heavens, Poulnabrone is a portal tomb that served as a passage way into the afterlife for early Irish settlers.


Having visited so many sacred places Poulnabrone has been a wonderful experience. I felt like being transported to another dimension.  Poulnabrone doesn't look impressive on pictures, but the energy of the place is amazing. The Burren landscape around is about 320 million year old.




The dawning of great civilizations - Isis


There are many sacred places I can mention, but Egypt felt to me as the Source of our civilization.

 The energy, which you still can feel at some sacred places in Egypt is so much greater then we human beings. It has propelled us to a new area of humankind and according to many seers or visionaries we are on the same point in time now.

In Aswan I visited the Temple of Isis at Philae Island. I have been very impressed by the energy I felt there. I envisioned the great importance of Isis for Egypt and the whole ancient civilization. I was also shocked to see that some of her reliefs were badly damaged by the early Christians. In my eyes a very barbaric act with great consequences.


When I was writing this sacred sites article I went to visit a friend in Amsterdam. I walked without a plan through some streets. Came at a biblical museum, went in, went up and the first statue I saw was Isis with Horus on her lap. I felt this as a sign to write more about: Isis

More about Isis 



The ultimate flowering of Isis energy

Real Female Beauty and Power: Kindness


I experienced Isis as a powerful, creative female energy. Isn’t amazing that it is possible to still connect to this Isis energy nowadays? The Isis article expanded every day more. This has given me hope that indeed another way of living is possible. The ultimate flowering of the Isis energy is the powerful transformative energy of kindness to one's self and all that lives.


Home favorite sacred sites Poulnabrone Tomb Isis Real beauty:kindness