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How Yamuna and I met

The Buddha said: "If a man who enjoys a lesser happiness beholds a greater one, let him leave aside the lesser to gain the greater."


This is the "greater happiness"—the second, more difficult path—which will come to any human being who recognizes the choice he has in every action, even in every thought, and has the will and discrimination to choose wisely.

Robert Frost's famous lines from "The Road Not Taken" provide a model for the crossroads at which every human being stands:

Two roads diverged in a wood,

 and I-I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.


Yamuna’s the endless journey

is a fine example of this



Be careful what you wish for


When I put my first steps on the path of growth one of the first books I read was of Berry Stevens: Don’t push the river. And she made what I call a key-sentence (a sentence which touches me deeply and stays with me): “Be careful where you put your heart upon, because one day it will be yours”. This lovely story of Yamuna illustrates this perfectly.


Yamuna’s story is also a enlightening example of how powerful a past life can influence this one. Which 21 year old woman wants to go to India to live there in a cave?



Vipassana Meditation: "WAS, IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE"

Another common theme in the spiritual journeys of many is that they start doing Vipassana meditation. It looks like if you are really dedicated to find your self or destiny or truth this is the way to go for many.  And the beautiful thing is that if you are ripe for it, the opportunity appears right in front of you. You ‘only’ have to see the signs and have the courage to respond to this divine call. (See also Emma's great beginning).

This deep longing of finding your truth is coming from past life’s in which we all have wandered at many holy places and have met many holy men and women. Else how you want to explain the enormous difference between human beings and in this case between women of this caliber and girls who are only interested in how they look like.

I love Yamuna’s story because she paints in vivid colors all the images we encounter in our mind: the gods, idols and the demons of our mind. The Indians have a talent to capture these images in stone as the illustrations from the Sri Maneeska Temple in Madurai, South India show.


Yamuna with her kids

Click to enlarge

Falling in Love versus Rising in Love

(At Osho essentials)


Yamuna's beautiful and deep poems

inspired me to write this article.


This is again an example

how anam cara's can inspire each other

and something new emerges from this cooperation.



Two poems by Yamuna


To be in the body, to feel the life force energy, from fingertips to toes
To connect to the breath using our greatest tool to rid us of our woes

Earth-bound in bio-decomposable vehicles, we get lost in the wonder of form
Earth-bound or so the mind informs us, until amnesia of real self is the norm

Being human allowing the emotions to penetrate us deeply enough to feel real
Being in duality knowing the double edged sword and still yearning its cold steel

Love the most written, talked about word on our planet, the getting and the giving
Love in all its variations the only real goal to be achieved for the dying and the living


The awareness of individual self, blending, melting effortlessly into divine cosmic oneness
The universal web connecting all the separate pieces back together into wholeness

just look and see...........


Waves of awareness slapping and smashing against the shores of my soul

Drenching me, quenching my thirst, prodding me, coaxing me to drop my role


No voice, no guide, no security, pure unknown and yet as close to home as one can be

Surrendering all of what once seemed so solid, so real, the past, the present and future me


To look through the eyes of interconnectedness feeling the one pulse, the one heartbeat
Basking in the glory beyond the this and that, the perfect imperfections, finally complete


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